Westchester Events


Technology Committee Meeting

05 Nov, 2020 PM 8:00 — 05 Nov, 2020 PM 9:00 (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)   
Event summary
The Technology Committee addresses feedback upon the area tech resources provided by SENY as well as discusses improvements to help AA run more efficiently. The committee is always looking for more support and those willing to do service.
Event details

Zoom Meeting ID: 875 362 055

Password: 196177

Contact Phone: +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)


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  • Time
    05 Nov, 2020 PM 8:00 — 05 Nov, 2020 PM 9:00
    (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Are you an alcoholic?

Have you or a family member exhibited signs that alcohol might be having a negative impact on your life and that things have become unmanageable?